
Winding Roads is all about navigating and connecting.


Most businesses fail
Not right away, but after the first 5 years, about 50% fail and over 67% at 10 years. Of course, there are many reasons and believe me, I know. I have learned from that hard experience. After 35 years, it became clear to me that most business leaders - either young executives or seasoned entrepreneurs - simply run into changes and roadblocks they either could not or chose not to deal with.

Our mission
In 2018, we founded Winding Roads Advisory Services. My mission is simple. To help folks through the ups and downs of business and technology cycles so that they can drive towards success – in their business and personal life.

How we work
Our Winding Roads process is an end-to-end practice that is based on proven and practical experiences in business development and growth.  Starting with a deep assessment of you and your company’s capabilities we can guide you into crystallizing your vision and goals and then develop a roadmap for achievement.  Depending on your situation we can help with:

We work with individuals in a one-on-one relationship. That could be the leaders of startups, small and mid-market businesses or executives in a larger organization that need a breakout strategy to survive.  Or it could be people, that, like me, struggled to find the right balance of life while still achieving goals in your work.

Engaging with Winding Roads Advisory
Our engagements are customized to your needs.  We can provide one on one coaching or take you through the entire process.  We can step in and act as an interim member of your team or simply work as an advisor. However we engage our priority will be helping you achieve success.


Meet Philip Sorrells.
Founder, Navigator, Connector.

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From a simple beginning in a small town in West Texas to becoming an experienced industry leader and agent of change - Philip knows a thing or two about studying the road ahead.  Referring to his career as one adventure after the next, he’s led multiple organizations as well as serving as an individual change agent, established market changing technologies, led both sides of acquisition teams, supervised the establishment of overseas manufacturing, visited every continent except Antarctica and logged more than 3 million miles along his own road.

Philip served as an executive leader at CommScope from 1994 to 2018.   He led the Quality Assurance and Engineering group, establishing the industry standard for stress testing antenna systems.   In 1999, he took the lead over the Base Station Antenna product line and grew that business 10x, from a principally domestic business to an international leader.  He led the wireless industry to adopt a variety of antenna system innovations: remote electrical tilt (RET) technology; using antenna technology for capacity growth through sector shaping; and pioneering the concept of “agile networks”, which formed the basis for current initiatives in self-organizing networks.  Later he led the development of solution selling and strategic and portfolio marketing.

Texas Instruments
Prior to CommScope, Philip spent 10 years at Texas Instruments as an Industrial Engineer.  After developing methods and tooling for assembly of complex electronics, he became one of the youngest cost center managers in the company, leading efforts in factory planning, producibility, and Statistical Process Control.  He was part of the leadership in the winning of the Malcolm Baldrige award through his work in developing and managing self- directed work team organizational concepts.  He was chosen to be part of a small team of leaders specifically trained in lean manufacturing to guide internal consulting projects across TI locations.


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Meet Dennis Kan.
Chief Marketer.

Dennis has 20 years of experience in high-tech B2B marketing. Starting his career as an engineer and designing data networks, his road has led him to living in six different countries while heading up marketing and communication teams around the globe.

He loves the challenge of developing new markets - with its mix of tactical execution and strategic planning, prospecting for leads while nurturing a pipeline, creating a brand and making it sing, and designing campaigns for maximum impact at an optimal cost. Creative solutions to big challenges is his fuel.